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Scene it is another example, it didn't score well despite the fact it is fun and works in every way, why? Because it isn't a very deep title, it has no online whatsoever, the questions will repeat over time and it has bad graphics. Somehow this is supposed to score a 10 when games like brawl which have online, full scale single and multi, co op, excellent graphics and TONS to unlock or do? Just because it's 'fun'?

Get into a lan party with halo fans and you will see why the novelty of the wii games isnt that big of a deal for reviews sake. Just because a game is enticing to a bunch of inexperienced crappy gamers doesn't suddenly mean it should score well. This is like saying all movies should use small childish words so everyone can know what's going on, suddenly making it better.

Note: Some games in my collection are no longer owned, but have owned.