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Oh man, everyone seems so negative again.

I think that some people miss my point though, which is ok. When I say diverse content, I don't mean a jrpg. I don't mean platformers. I don't kiddy games.

I mean a true, quality, counter to the norm.

Anyone who has played games like the adventures of cookie and cream, rez, gitaroo man, and katamari damacy, know what I'm talking about. I'm not saying I want the same, just different kinds of it (like a jrpg on the 360, yippie), I want different. Those are the kind of games that I like, that the ps2 had, and that the ps3 really needs in my opinion but probably won't see many of due to high production costs and a very obvious push towards the hardcore crowd. For me, the ps1 and ps2 felt like the true game successors to the snes (gaming euphoria). the ps3 feels more like the successor to the xbox.

I'll go back to my jak and daxter post. I like the game cause it was a true platformer (no guns), it was rated E (anyone could play it) yet it wasn't dumbed down or overly kiddy. The difficulty felt nice too.

There's this big push towards "real." Look at that face, you can see the pours, it's so "real." See the way the character's expression changes when he's hit, it's so "real." Doesn't that look just like NYC, it's so "real." To be honest, the progression towards real is nice, but it doesn't mean much to me. My favorite fps was timesplitters 2. It was rated T (!), there was no blood (!), and it never looked all that "real" (!), yet it still felt like a great game to me.

My feelings aside, if you have rad games like the ones I'm throwing out that are either psn or (hopefully) full fledged ps3 titles, by all means, share.