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2D Side Scrolling Shooter -> Hard Corps Uprising! (I'm so terrible at this game but it's soo good!!!)


MMORPG- World of Warcraft. Had more fun chatting with guildies rather than playing the game. Got made "Drama Officer" to deal with guild problems. I was always noob in games and always the first to die, but I was still everyone's favourite guild member. I am affectionately known as "The Favourite Noob".

RTS- I hate RTS. When I played Warcraft 3 with my brother's friends, I built like 12 foot soldiers or whatever they are called and they laughed at me. >_<
And then I built like 10 chimeras (that dragon thingy), and they shot me down with archers...and I gave up from there lol. I remember building more than 40 marines...maybe 50+ for Starcraft 2 and my PC made some beeping sound and died. =/

And there was once I was playing Multiplayer with them, and they bullied me, they set my base on fire and my base was flying around on fire and they all typed "Hahahahahaaaa".

Then I told my mum that my brother still didn't do his Maths homework and my dad came and pulled out the computer plug and it was my turn to say Hahahahaha.

Strategy- Fallout 2/Romance of the 3 Kingdoms XI.

Racing Simulation- None. You can give me a headstart of 1 lap and I'll still end up getting last. >_< And I always drive though the grass patches and end up driving in the wrong direction.

JRPG- Xenosaga 3/Xenoblade/Shadow Hearts Covenant (I know I'm supposed to choose 1 but how can I choose just one urrrgggghh)

WRPG- Dragon Age 1.

FPS- Call Of Duty Black Ops 2

TPS- Uncharted 2

Fighting- Tekken Tag Tournament 2 ( I blame it on lag when I lose online =P )

Party Fighting- Eeeeww

Builder - Eeeew

Hack and Slash- Dynasty Warriors 7. Can't wait for Dynasty warriors 8. February 28th. Just over a month more!! ^_^

Vehicular Combat- I hate driving games so by default I hate these vehicular combat games. I tried Battlefield 3 and some dolt decided that I should be the pilot/driver etc and I made the plane crash, drove the tank into the water etc. I was trying to drive my best but I'm just epic fail by default in driving. I still havent gotten my driving license because I always nearly crash into people/trees when I'm trying to drive. 


Horror -> Fatal Frame 1 & 2. (ok I'm bending the rule again by choosing 2 games =P )

Adventure - > The Walking Dead (Episodes 1 - 5)



Kain -> Wow you played games from the 1970s? How old are you may I ask. =P

I think my parents were both born in the early 70s. 

You are the answer to every prayer I've offered.

You are a song, a dream, a whisper, and I don't know how I could have lived without you for as long as I have.