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For nintendo supporters and non supporters, I will try to ease the pressure and say this.

I love the ps2.... think it's the best system of all time. However, from when that system launched oct 26 of 2000- august of 2001, it had nothing. Then, starting august 2001, either gt3 or twisted metal black or both hit the market, and the flood gates opened. I now that's a somewhat vague thing to say, but the point is some things take time.

The reason so few original IPs hit the market before this point is because 3rd parties were scared of the Wii. But really, can you blame them? The n64 hardware sales were par at absolute best, and gamecube sales were well below that. Then nintendo says that they're going to release a system that basically has the graphical capabilities of the original x box.

So, for awhile, 3rd parties watched from a distance cause they have no idea if the system will be a hit or not. Then the wii has a successful launch so companies figure, "we'll port some old games with new controls." It would be cheap and would provide little risk if the wii turned out to be a fad. It wasn't until the summer of 07 that the wii seemed like it really may be something special. During the summer, despite the lack of real notable software, you still couldn't find a wii in a store anywhere. They would have an average shelf time of about 5 minutes. That's around the time (I believe) companies began to see the huge market they were working with and decided to take it more seriously. However, by then it was far to late to get anything out for this past fall.

So, this year (starting in may with boom blox) will be very telling on how 3rd parties (or more then that, publishers) feel about the wii.

As for review sites being anti wii.... I think you have to understand, most publishers have had their AAA developers work on the PS3 and 360 builds of games. The wii rarely if ever receives that kind of love. At this moment in it's life, I think it would be realistic to say the wii has the weakest (generally speaking) software on the market.