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Pokemonbrawlvg said:
First off let me say this, I'm a huge Paper Mario fan. Paper Mario 64 is literally my childhood and probably one of the first RPGs I had sat down and enjoyed. I've probably played the game hundred times by now because it's so good.

TTYD is one of my favorite Gamecube games of all time. Best RPG on the Gamecube IMO.

Super Paper Mario is very unique title on the Wii. I actually liked it unlike some people. I thought it mixed the 2D side of the Super Mario Bros. series pretty well. It's not up there with 64 and TTYD, but it's a very good game in its own right.

Now, how about Sticker Star? I freaking love this game. A lot more than Super Paper Mario. The new Sticker works perfectly and the graphics are the best I've seen in the whole series. Yes, it's lacking in some places and the characters and locations are not as memorable. The music, battle system, and graphics are top-notched. But, that doesn't stop it from being a great game. I wish more people would attempt to play this game instead of branding it as a black mark on the series, it's really good.

In all, the series is still fresh and good. I think some fans are dismissing the game simply because it's not like 64 or TTYD, like Super Paper Mario. Let me tell you this, if you go into the game expecting it to be another TTYD, you'll be disappointed. It's not an RPG, like the other games. It's more like an action-puzzle game. Coming from a huge Paper Mario, I say Sticker Star is worthy of the Paper Mario name.

Are you Jim Sterling? Because I am thanking God for you.