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Bodhesatva said:

The easiest way to explain the distinction is that lots of "date movies" or "action movies" get good scores. Spiderman 1 and 2 (But not 3). Lord of the Rings 1,2,3. Gladiator not only got good reviews, but won many Oscars. Bourne Identity, Supremacy and Ultimatum. The best reviewed movie last year (according to metacrtic) was Ratatouille. There are lots non artsy-fartsy films that are reviewed well.

If movie critics do not like Rambo or Shoot Em Up or whatever, it isn't because they have a seething hatred for hoi polloi and all their sophmoric tastes, but rather that they believe this particular action movie isn't as good as others. That's an entirely different thing than what we're seeing in video games, where mini-game collections and casual titles are constantly derided in general. The entire genres and their audience is being smeared. The games, even the best of them such as Wii Sports, are getting mediocre-at-best reviews.

Please, please recognize that difference. It's huge and very important and explains why video game journalism is being criticized here. They are not just saying: "These games are not as good as other games," they are saying "this genre and all the people who like it aren't as good." That is the problem.

oh I know exactly what you're saying, that was just never the point I was arguing. What you're saying about movies is true and I never said it wasn't, I'm just drawing a comparison to the game market because I feel it's also true with gaming while you don't. That's where the conflict lies. Not what we think about movie reviewers but what we think about game reviewers.

Edit-hmm I shouldn't have posted 3 times in a row.