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First off, in response to the original post, I never understood comments like "I am NOT into conspiracy theories." As if they are all the same. Shouldn't these theories be analyzed case by case instead of all being lumped into the same group? Some conspiracies are real, others are not. Why can't some people understand this? For instance; I believe 9/11 conspiracy, JFK conspiracy are real, while the fake moon landing, UFOs are NOT. Simple as that.. Watergate was a conspiracy that was PROVEN. The Gulf of Tonkin incident was PROVEN. Manhattan Project was PROVEN. So conspiracies do exist. They are only "theories" because they haven't been proven yet.

In response to the subject matter. I have no idea. I'll have to look more into this when time permits. From what I've skimmed though, there definitely seems to be something fishy, and honestly, nothing would surprise me anymore in light of what I've learned from the dozens of conspiracy documentaries I've seen and the research I've done.