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Oh trust me I can name more than one movie that fits what I said. I'm sure you can as well. But here is one sub-genre that fits the role. Video-game based movies. Most reviewers never even play the games the movies are based on yet they bash them to hell with a review. I think the game industry does for the most part, what you claim most movie critics do. I don't think there are many genres ignored by game reviewers either. All genres have some very high rated games from RPGs to party games to shooting games to sports games.

In short, game criticism needs to stop asking "what do I personally like?" and start asking "will the intended audience for this game like it?"

When Game Informer did that with Paper Mario 2 everyone bashed them to hell and back for it. If you read most reviews they will state what kind of person will like the game, but most people just look at the score and call it a day. Reading the reviews are much more informative, reading most Wii Sports reviews will tell you exactly what to expect, who the game is for, and if you'll have fun with it. It does a lot more than a 7.8 or whatever.

Regardless, that still wasn't my point, I was just saying reviews are starting to matter less and less as the market expands. Almost everything can gain a huge following, that doesn't mean reviewers should always cater to that following or else everything would be getting high scores. So please, drop the 'ignorance on critical theory' stuff because that was never even what I was getting at.