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WRPGs are generally more open to choose what you want to do and and where to go, and how you want to build you character, which, depending on the game, can have lot of influence of how game plays.

I often tend to see trend in trying to put all WRPGs in one basket, which is a huge mistake. For example, Morrowind, Fallout 1/2, Planescape: Torment, Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines, KoTOR and Gothic (just to name a few without going way, way back in history) are all WRPGs, and all play and feel completely different, as well as having very different World/Story ratio. Some are very open and world driven, some are quite linear, with deep stories, some are in between world driven and story driven (best kind IMHO).

As for combat, it's all over the place too, everything from turn-based, real-time paused, to action oriented, so there's no one defining system. It is very open genre, but unfortunately it has suffered massively from "mainstreaming" in this generation. Luckily, there are still developers dedicated to making "true" WRPGs, so with titles like Wasteland 2, Project Eternity, Torment 2, next Witcher, Cyberpunk 2077 and others I'd say it's again in renaissance (which one is this, 3rd or 4th?), so there's lot to be looking forward too.