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I think it's probably because Wii games are in general more burst play games or games you play when you get a few people round. Sure Mario and Sonic is a great game, for an hour or so. But if you're reviewing a game for maybe 8+ Hours I can see how it would get very boring very quickly. Quite a few Wii games have this problem. But how many casual gamers are going to sit down and play a game for weeks on end for several hours a day. They are looking for a different experience. As much as I think the Wii is cool, I know certainly between my house and other people that have a Wii/360 or Wii/PS3 combo the wii would never even get close to the amount of play time the 360 or the PS3 get. It's like singstar, love that game, but I don't play it that often and I never play it on my own. Having to review a Wii mini-game compilation would bore the hell out of you unless you were playing it under party conditions.
