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zero129 said:

Hmm so you think learning from watching the Discorvery Channel is eye openining?.

Nice how your first post in this thread is to try run it down in such a way :-/ .

Sorry, I was an ass, as usual. But that's because the video looks to me a regular journalistic cry and sniffle: "OMG, they killed innocents", -- with no substance whatsoever.


Also whats eye opening is the fact and this is just a small bit (Trust me very small) from the video.

1. embeded media is a bad thing (This pretty much means you cant trust anything you see on Mainstream News stations as we have seen time and time again, but this video really hits it home)

2. Why the hell have the people who done most of the crimes in this video and others like it not been took to justice?.

3. What can we do to make sure we get real news?.

Like i said thats just 3 things from a wide range of subjects in the video you can pick what one you want to talk about ??. Unless your only reason here is??.

That's what I call non-substantional "cry and sniffle".