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Mnementh said:
* TheKingofRedLions ---> Yes, he has joined 31/12/11 (yes read that again), but made his first post in February. He is a great supplier of stationeries for the 3DS letterbox.
* tbone51 ---> He must be included for the use of ↓★☆◆■. Also he organizes the KIU-tournaments, my great thanks for that.
* DanneSandin ---> Very good poster, although I got the feeling he is around for ages already. Wasn't aware he is a newcomer.
* Chandler ---> Good reasonable poster and he is from germany like me, so I have to support him. Also for his sig and avy looking so great!
* IIIIITHE1IIIII ---> By far the most excellent user that last year had to offer. No one even comes close to his excellence and sheer awesomeness. God bless this man.
* KHlover ---> Another german user. We need more of them, so we can switch the main language of the forum to german!
* DieAppleDie ---> Supplied me with Ammo in ZombiU and smashed with me monsters in Ruinlords. Seems to play every online-activated game I play.
* ganoncrotch ---> Badass avatar.

thank you :)

EDIT: thanks Tbone :)