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while the charts are designed to grab attention (i.e. make the difference look larger) the actual analysis is interesting enough. Reading through it the clear indication is that, the impact of poor games on most popular console notwithstanging, the average Wii review is lower than PS2 and current consoles.

Personally I agree with the view that many of the Wii's excellent, but very casual games, are reviewed very poorly vs big guns on 360 and PS3.

Looking through game reviews what I find interesting is that they are often, well, unprofessional and overly subjective.

To explain, let me take a few R&C reviews that seemed a lot lower than most and were clearly dragging the average down... now reading them its clear that the game was docked points because the reviewer was annoyed at lack of MP capability. Now that is not professional. The game is SP only and should be reviewed as such.

I can easily see that many casual Wii titles (that are good) score less than they should if reviewed professionaly (i.e. on their own merits and for what they achieve vs their intent) vs the number of reviews that casually drop points because the reviewer is comparing them to Halo 3 or Uncharted or some such game.

Still, I doubt Nintendo are too worried as its not stopping anyone buying the games...

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...