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Also, I know this is getting a little bit off topic, but:

I've been looking up reviews of Liberty City Stories for PSP lately because I am having an absolute blast with Vice City Stories (I forgot how much I love this franchise after the slight disappointment that was GTA4, but I digress).

Anyway, point I've come to make is - it's ridiculous how much reviewers attitudes have changed from that era (2005) to now. The game still gets marked down a little for not measuring up to the console versions, but the sentiment I've seen from multiple reviewers - Gamespot, IGN, G4 etc. is - "Despite all of this, it's Grand Theft Auto in the palm of your hand and that is an achievement".

7 years down the line, and suddenly games like Sonic & SEGA All-Stars and Need for Speed, which are for all intents nigh on perfect scaled down versions of console titles are "hard to recommend" for sites like IGN because they don't run quite as well as the console versions.

It's just a really crazy paradigm shift. It's not just Vita as well, I see 3DS games being marked down for it too. I'm losing faith with some game reviewers (I'm sure some of you guys have already :P) because I watch a 5 minute video review which spends 4 minutes 30 pointing out flaws with a game. I want to hear flaws, yes, but I also want to hear what the game is about and what is good about it.

Ah well. Rant over!