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Shout out to class of 2012.  Some of my favourite new users and some that I notice haven't been mentioned yet (oddly):


  • Sal.Paradise
  • Pokoko
  • bananaking21
  • DanneSandin
  • Veknoid_Outcast
  • the_dengle
  • osed125
  • S.Peelman
  • ganoncrotch
  • F0X
  • AlphaCielago
  • tbone51
  • The1
Honestly, every_single_one of these guys makes good, constructive, interesting posts that are enjoyable to read. I hope all of them get nominated, because they're all the kind of posters that make this community so great and worth sticking around for.
If there's a nomination limit or something, just pick the ones from my list that have fewest nominations.  I may have forgotten someone, apologies if I have.