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I'm going to breifly address people on both sides of this debate (not to anybody specific here, just in general)...

First, to those Christians who believe homosexuality is wrong, don't you believe that we have also done things that are 'wrong' and been forgiven for those things by God? If that is the case, we have no right to pass judgement on other people who sin just like we still do. If the real standard is a perfect God, we all fall short of that, so we are no better than any other person compared to that standard, and they are just as forgiven by that same God as we are. We should live our lives by the standards that God has shown us through the example of Jesus. If we do this, it is impossible to be judgemental and bigoted. Jesus was hated by the religious leaders of the time specifically because he assoiciated with those deemed to be unclean and sinners by the religious. Our primary job here on earth is to live out the examples of Love shown by the One we claim to follow. If we were to actually do that, people might recognize us "by the love we have for others" instead of by how exclusive and judgemental we are. The core message of Christianity is very simple and puts everyone on equal footing... none of us can match up to the standard of perfection, and all of us are offered forgiveness and redemption. Our reaction to that should be to show the same love and forgiveness that we have experienced to everyone we come in contact with. When it comes down to it, we will be judged by how we treat others.

To those who view Christians as bigots, though some in the religious community may be, that was never the example set forth by the Jesus described in the Bible. He was an incredibly accepting, loving, forgiving man who anybody should be proud to emulate, regardless of whether you believe He was God or buy into any religious mumbo jumbo.

That's my perspective.