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Kantor said:
KylieDog said:

The TV series has pretty much killed the Jeyne Westerling theory since they swaped her for some random nobody tart, so there goes all the motivation for such a cover up/switch.

Not to mention the absurdity of the King in the North (who follows the Old Gods) and a Volantene (who either follows Rh'llor or one of the minor Essosi religions) saying their vows in front of a septon. That was a mess, but then the entire North is a mess in that show, Jon Snow included.

If it's any consolation George Martin seems pretty pissed at the whole Talissa thing. It was him how pretty much forced them to change her name. They oritginally had her named Jeyne, but GRRM "suggested" the change because they had completely messed around with that storyline. In interviews he seems very keen not to dwell on this change and would rather move on to talk about aspects of the show he's enjoying.

There must be worshippers of the Seven in the East because the Andals brought the Seven so it's not a religion native to Westeros. Talissa's official back story that she pretty much turned her back on her own people makes it plausible that she has adopted the main religion of Westeros, given its anti-slavery stance. Robb would also not be averse to marrying under the Seven given that's the Tully religion. He might be pissed at his mum right now, but that doesn't mean he'd refuse to marry under the Seven if Talissa had adopted the Seven for her own, which is likely.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix