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Lol...that's why I hate the power of a few reviewers telling an entire world of gamers what is good and what is bad. A 76% average instead of an 82% average based on one reviewers score.

Lost Odyssey gets an 82% average if you don't include the ONE outlier vote of 50%. Why should ONE GUY that may hate JRPG's, or had a bad day, or is trying to get more hits on his website, or is mad because he had to pay for his review copy, or just felt like being an ass, etc. have the power to influence a game so strongly...

I still think the merit of a game being based on professional review scores ONLY is flawed. User opinion/reviews should have some type of weight in the equation OR a percentage of outlier votes (top 3%, bottom 3%) should be thrown out, etc.....I don't know what...but SOMETHING...I won't say a game is average just because one or two reviews is grossly out of place compared to the vast majority of other review scores. Sorry.

What if Halo 4 gets a 89.9% because one guy decides he thinks it is overhyped so will penalize it by giving it a 60%?  Is it no longer AAA?  It is in my books....well, just my opinion on things--different strokes for different folks.

PSN ID: Sorrow880

Gamertag: Sorrow80

Wii #: 8132 1076 3416 7450