Totally agree! haha
But these same people are quite fun to watch and read in the forums.. while they laugh at Nintendos business decisions cause they absolutely cannot understand Nintendos plans.. they think Nintendo is wrong cause its not the same as their fanboy logic.. (yet Nintendo continues on to make money) and when they get proven wrong they get desperate and move the goal post LOL!.. they are all sorts of level of stupid.. =) but hey they are fun to have around..
lets just sit back and watch them continue on with the wiiU doom threads.. they need some form of happiness too .. wait till the PS4/720 comes out! because however the wiiU is doing in sale the PS4/720 will be well below it! see (vita vs 3DS example) vita strong hardware and OMGz! Total of TWO! not one TWO THUMBS STICKS!! is what gamers really want!!!.. that turned out well for their predictions lol