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I fell back in love with Sega when the Dreamcast came out and still claim it to be my favorite console of last generation. Recently however, I've got to say that Sega hasn't delivered at all. They continue to port Crazy Taxi instead of re-inventing it. Everything Sonic related, minus the DS Rush series, has turned to shit.  They rushed Virtua Fighter 5 out the door with no online, and then subsequently put their middle finger in PS3 owners faces by not patching the problem after the 360 version came out, with online. Shenmue was put on indefinite hold without even nearly finishing it's grand aspirations. I haven't seen a Panzer Dragoon rail shooter in years and I haven't seen a new Panzer Dragoon Saga in twice as many. Where's a new Jet Set Radio? How about a return to classic Shining Force and Phantasy Star titles and forget the Phantasy Star Online nonsense? The new Nights for Wii was embarassing, as it didn't reinvent at all. It just recreated the original basically and showed everyone how much gaming has advanced in ten years. Sega's two best titles from last year, in my opinion, we're Crush for the PSP and Bleach: The Blade of Fate for the DS, and neither was developed by them, only published. This is what Sega has announced for the near future:

English of the Dead-Nintendo DS-Probably will be great. The Typing of the Dead is a classic.

After Burner Climax-Arcade-A current gen remake of After Burner with no console release announced.

House of the Dead 2 & 3 Return-Wii-Yawn...and you'll see why in a second

House of the Dead 4-Xbox 360-Now that's more like it. 

I'm sure they'll be publishing more. I know they have Bass Fishing on the way. A Sonic RPG coming. Some lame Golden Axe game on the horizon. From the looks of it, we'll all have to be bringing out our Sega Genesis Collections for PS2 or PSP if we want some good old fashioned Sega action. 


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.