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Chark said:
Did anyone get that Life of Pixel PSM game? I'm thinking about picking it up. It's $1.99

You play a pixel that explores all the various old school consoles

Yeah I picked it up last night. I really want to support the developer and hope this will create enough buzz to help them raise the funding to finish their Vita specific projects as particularly that VTrax looked really good!

Life of Pixel is basically a single screen 8 bit twitch platform game (edit, scratch that, now I'v got to ZX Spectrum there are multi screen levels, so I guess side scrolling will kick in come the NES/GameBoy stages). It's a bit like soundshapes in that you collect tokens/coins on the screen. Getting them all opens the exit. It's pretty tricky though as 1 touch of an enemy or landing in water etc is an instadeath. It's pretty addictive trying to finish the more challenging levels (think soundshapes death mode without the randomness) and it also has a nice chiptune sound track. Personally I think at £1.59/$1.99 you can't go wrong.

The asthetics are also fantastic with each world being themed around a specific computer/console from the 8 bit days and all the graphics for the levels in that world looking appropriate for the hardware. I'm currently on Atari 2600 :D [EDIT] make that ZX Spectrum!

RIP Dad 25/11/51 - 13/12/13. You will be missed but never forgotten.