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For me it is a big meh. I like party games with my friends and I like the escapism of playing by myself. I haven't found any value in playing random badasses online.

I used to think that the masses couldn't care less but that was before the hundereds of hours my wife has spent on the Check Mii Out channel. Online really needs to mature and diversify. FPS online campaigns were fine when you want to serve the PC fanbase that has migrated to XBox, but for the 200 million other gamers online will have to do something different.

Additional content is fairly popular like Rockband and Guitar Hero 3 but both of those games will get blown out when someone realeases a game where you can make your own tracks from MP3s you upload. And frankly people would be jsut as content picking up a cd/flashcard of more music for hose games anyway.

The internet is growing at it's rapid pace due to content creation and sharing by individuals. Little Big Planet seems to be in the right vein of this(who know is the masses will find it). Also the social networking aspect in gaming needs to move beyond having to listen to biggots and flamers screaming over Live. Once again Sony seems to have the right idea with Home but we will see if it gets trendy.

Sony is still a wait and see.

Nintendo needs to get their head out of the sand. The type of online expierience availabe right now might not be theri cup of tea but if they don't start sometime they wont have anythign t oinnovate off off into the next big thing. Frankly the type of WiFi DS expierience is proving to be the most interesting. Why is it that my Connect 24 Wii internet functions pale in comparison to a portable's offereings?

And Microsoft still needs to bridge a gap from thier base audience. There are only so many PC gamers they can convert.

Lastly it is about money. The masses do not want to pay $50 a year for the priveledge of playing thier $60 games on their $400 machine or the chance to spend more money. If I have to pay a monthly fee than the game system should be free. I would like to see that one.

Final* Word on Game Delays:

The game will not be any better or include more content then planned. Any commnets that say so are just PR hogwash to make you feel better for having to wait.

Delays are due to lack of proper resources, skill, or adequate planning by the developer.

Do be thankful that they have enough respect for you to delay the game and maintain its intended level of quality.

*naznatips is exempt