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RE my earlier comment about Bayonetta 2-
Regardless of how it sells ( and i think it will sell ok, not amazing ) it was a statement from Nintendo to say that they are trying to embrace games that will appeal to the PS360 crowd. This is the news that was greeted with a lot of pissing and moaning from fanboys, angry that a "hardcore " franchise will be appearing exclusive to a Nintendo platform. That was half the job done as far is im concerned as it got people talking about WiiU instantly, whether it be positive or negative.

This is where i believe Nintendo are damned if they do damned if they dont...

They release 2D Mario-
Oh Nintendo have got no new IPs, they only do kiddy games, same old franchises.

They announce Bayonetta 2-
Its a niche game that wont sell, a hack and slash,Nintendo havent had a decent hack and slash for years, boo hoo its not on my favourite system so its crap.