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slowmo said:
Godchild1020 said:
slowmo said:
Not a chance, there is no way they would outship Microsoft and not announce it imo.

I can see from this thread what we can expect from the next year or two as people fall over themselves to announce its outsold the 360 only to be knocked back numerous times due to adjustments and incorrect figures.

How can they announce they shipped more then Microsoft, if Microsoft hasn't publicly announced how much they shipped yet? I would believe they would let the Media do that as well. IMO

IGN has reported the news as well, but they feel a little off by it as well, because they don't know if they got the info from Sony or Microsoft.

The same way Microsoft could announce they outsold Sony last year, they have their own reporting figures way more accurate than these "estimates" which in case you haven't gathered they predicted the 360 in the past to hit around 40 million LTD so hardly have a record for accuracy.  Feel free to pop your champagne and celebrate all you like though guys.  IGN posted the link becuase it will generate a lot of hits and ad revenue, they don't care if it's factually correct or not as they will not take the hit for the inaccuracy, the IDC would when they announce a correction in future. 


I'll gladly doth my cap to the PS3 outshipping the 360 if the official Sony and Microsoft figures show this though in the next few weeks.

I wasn't on the internet when they predicted the LTD sales of the 360. I don't see a reason to pop champagne just yet or ever. The shipment over the 360 or the Wii won't put money in my pocket or take money out of it.

Let's remember this... “Report” is a lovely word for journalists – it’s basically used the same way as “rumor”, but it sounds more credible, leading to more ever-important clicks due to the power of a misleading title.