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Metallicube said:
d21lewis said:
Nintendo consoles almost always release in five or six year intervals. You lost faith in them for doing what they've always done since they started in the industry?

True, but Wii had far more success than Nintendo's other consoles. At the very least, it should have had steady releases up until late 2012 when the WiiU released, but the only notible titles, at least for me in the last couple years were Rayman and Xenoblade. That is just unacceptable. A large part of the blame lies on the third parties, but Nintendo also has a responsibility to keep the games coming despite the lack of third party support. They failed to do that.

Didn't like Skyward Sword, eh?

I guess they had to move resources from the Wii to develop for the Wii U.  I'm an apologist, though.  For me, Nintendo can do no wrong.  Plus, as a multi-console owner, I always had stuff to play.  It had to be frustrating for a Wii only fan to settle for one stellar game every six months or so.