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zumnupy10 said:
Sony and MS would be happy to delay the new consoles more, since they are definetely making good money selling hardware now.

But then you have to think about what the Third Party developers want, and software sales are down this year by a good margin.

Yeah, but i'm sure there is an equal number of 3rd parties that can't afford to dev. for a new console, and would love their crack again at PS360, when sales are not being gimped by PS720. Only graphicwhores at people like Cryteck or id, and many US developers are asking for more power IMO, but what about developer in Europe or Japan, which I think are more than ggappy with the current consoles.

Ultimately I think that it is more attractive for 3rd parties to make games for an old console with 70m users than it is to make games for new console with just 3 - 5m.

Nintendo Network ID: DaRevren

I love My Wii U, and the potential it brings to gaming.