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kain_kusanagi said:
DanneSandin said:
In the beginning Rand was my favorite character, but as the series went on I kinda lost interest in him, starting with A Patch of Daggers I think... Mat grew of me as soon as he started to get his own adventures and sub-plots - and Perrin's just kept on keeping better and better in the last few books. I also think Egwene's gotten into her own as the series went on! It's just such a great series! Love it!

As for the Forsaken, Ishmael's always been my favorite! Ba'alzamon was way cool!

But my favorite book has got to be the 1st one! I got so many fond memories from that one... It's actually THE first book I ever read - and it got me into reading books in general, but also especially fantasy books.

RIP Jordan.

Rand is still my favorite because he's had to go through so much. But I love the rest as well, Perrin a bit more than Mat.

I've been a big fan of Nynaeve since the begining and I still think she's one of the funniest characters. She'sstubbornand always thinks she knows best, which reminds me of myself a bit.

Moiraine is my favorite Aes Sedai by a large stretch. Of the Rand's girls I like think all for different reasons, but I think Min is my favorite. Well, At least, she's the one most compatible with me. Less bossy than the others.

Lanfear is by far my favorite of the Forsaken, even in her new form. Lol, she's like a crazy ex-girlfriend who won't go away. But Lanfear will kill if she can't have him.

Sadly, there seems to just be the three of us enjoying this fantastic series =(

Rand got way too dark for my taste a while there, and I don't know what to think of this latest development in his character just yet...

Nynaeve's never been one of my favorites - but perhaps that'll change once I re-read the whole series...

Elayne is my favorite Rand girl; Min is a bit too boring since she never has any exciting story line of her own.

Yeah, Lanfear is pretty awesome - but nothing compares to Ba'alzamon ;) And of course I've taken a liking to Moridin as well ^^ But Baalz was so awesome because you only saw him trough others, which mystified him quite a bit - and that always works well for bad guys! Imagine if we were to see the world from Saurons POV in LOTR; how he worries about the Ring and what the petty humans will try to do to destroy him and such... would be boring ^^ Sometimes villians are better left alone!!

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

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