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z101 said:
disolitude said:

To get RE5 on the wii, they would literally have to change every character's polygon count, decrease resolution to 480P, lower the amount of textures...a lot of work. The biggest issue with porting RE5 to wii (and there are many issues) is RAM. With all pistons firing Wii has 88 meg (24 video, 64 system). Thats not enough to port a first gen Xbox 360 game let alone a 3rd gen game. It would pause for load time every 8 seconds...

Think about that: When you reduce the polygons and resolution you need fewer RAM, so it would fit into the 88MB Wii-Ram. Every game made on the xbox could be made on the Wii as well, with reduced graphics quality but of course but better controls. No one who played RE4 on the Wii would get back to the old gamepad for the next episode.

And by the way. Decreasing resolution and texture-size is very easy. :)

I'm not saying its not possible, or even probable. I just don't remember of a game needing to get butchered this badly to work on a console since they ported Mortal Kombat 3 on Sega Genesis. I agree that controls for resident evil 4 work marginally better on the wii...but what can you do? Spend some money on console parts next time Nintendo! Don't just come up with a revolutionary idea and sit on your ass after that...