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Mummelmann said:
mrstickball said:
And what are the specs?

One can only guess, but I'm loathe to believe that Bioware would screw up like Crytek and make a game that no system in the world can run smoothly on max settings (see the attempt with a quad core, 16 GB's of RAM and four 8800 GTS and a raptor Harddrive, which only managed 37 FPS on average and dipped all the way to 7... )

Bioware games have always been available and kind to systems, at least in my experience.

Bioware is using Unreal engine 3, which is very scalable for PC, so most likely it will be a good port (unlike Jade Empire/Kotor)

Note: Crytek didn't mess up with, Crysis is just incredibly powerful, even the best-looking console games aren't as good as Crysis' medium settings, let alone high or very high.