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"You know that nowhere in my post did it say sales alone are not an accomplishment"


"Halo 4 burning through copies quicker than GT5 at launch is some sort of accomplishment. It isn't."

Because this totally doesn't imply that. You've said Halo 4 selling more at launch than GT5 isn't an accomplishment, correct? Back to the original post I replied to, you implied that Halo is selling better than GT because Shooters are mainstream this gen. I argued that Halo was always selling even when RPGs were mainstream. I also made the point that Killzone (and many shooters may I add) should've sold better by that logic. You then sidestep by switching the argument saying it was too soon to compare. I said there's nothing wrong with comparing games that are in the process of selling (I mean this is a sales site). But hey guess I fail at reading comprehension. :)