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Woah! It's out!? I can't wait to read it! Oh, but I'm gonna have to. Y'know, the Amazon rating alarmed me at first, but now I see that people are just pissed at the lack of a digital release. THREE FLIPPIN' MONTHS!? Are you kidding me?! I thought the whole point of digital releases was the convenience of not having to worry about waiting in line, waiting in the car as you speed your way down to the book store, or waiting in general! Now I have to drive down to the city to find out if they have the book in stock anywhere. -_-

Anyhoo, on to the questions.

- I did not read the prologue. This isn't the next A Song of Ice and Fire book, i.e., it actually has a set release date, so I can wait.

- My favorite character is probably Mat Cauthon. Sure, he was a bit whiny when the series started, but he really came into his own as the series progressed.

- If I had to chose one it would be Ishamael--or maybe Lanfear.. Really, though, I hate all of the Forsaken. They come across as a bunch of blithering idiots. Were they not so helplessly incompetent, they could have killed Rand and his pals ten times over. Now Padan Fain on the other hand, he's a true villain. I'm really looking forward to seeing what becomes of him.

- Definitely Aviendha. I find myself questioning the point of Min's existence, at times, and her unfaltering infatuated worship of Rand annoys me to no end. Elayne... Don't even get me started on her!

- I'll have to say that I identify most with Mat. If only because I find it nearly impossible to relate to Rand, and Perrin, while I do like his character, is a whipped pup.

- Nynaeve. The only connection I feel towards Egwene is one of intense hatred and loathing.

- Mat. Unless you're asking who my favorite Hero of the Horn is, in which case...still Mat. Heh.

- Nynaeve. Sure, she's annoying sometimes, but what character in this series isn't? Her accomplishments, ability to speak her mind, and her strong sense of justice easiliy make up for whatever falts she has, imo. I thought her character got the short end of the stick in books 5-7, but after she got past her block she became, well, totally awesome. I like Moiraine too.

- My favorite book in the series is probably The Shadow Rising. It's been a while since I read it, but I just remember enjoying that one the most. Both 12 and 13 were quite good too.

- I have not checked out the comic books, but I have been meaning to.

*sigh* I can't believe it's over. I've had so many great memories reading these books. While I have a tendancy to complain about it a lot, the fact remains that no series has gotten to me quite like this one has. I'll try not to cry reading the last few pages. Unless it sucks, that is. In that case, I'll cry tears of rage while spreading my hatred all over the interwebs.