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kitler53 said:
Metallicube said:
Sure, PS2 will remain the highest selling console, if you don't count the DS as a console :P

Anyway, I never expected Wii to pull off PS2 like numbers. Hell I was pleasantly surprised when it even passed NES's numbers. What I didn't expect however was for its sales to drop off so quickly and drastically. Though I guess with virtually no real third party support it does make sense in retrospect. Oh well, it'll still crack that illusive 100 million mark at least, and most likely pass the Playstation 1, which is quite an accomplishment in itself.

orly?  :P

just playing btw.  anywho, fun read.  i'll exit now though as it seems many posts are getting bans.  xD

Touche my good sir, but it seems there is a key point to that post that you missed.. You'd think if you took the time to dig out that old post, you would have read the whole thing :P

"...This is provided Nintendo doesn't foolishly cut off the lifespan of their own console while it's still selling strongly"

Well as most of us now know, Nintendo DID foolishly cut off the Wii's lifespan early by completely drying up the releases for it, as did the third parties, most of which never really supported Wii from the getgo. So once Nintendo moved on to focus on 3DS and Wii U software, there was no real third party support to carry the load, thus the early die off of Wii. After all, how can a console be expected to continue selling with no new games? Theoretically if Wii continued to get the steady amount of releases it was getting, I'd still contend that it would have, and should have passed the PS2.

Still, I clearly contradicted myself, but I honestly don't remember posting that, or even believing the Wii would pass the PS2. Guess I'm losing track of all my posts, I think I'm spending too much time here -_-