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Spazzy_D said:
ninjablade said:
Spazzy_D said:
ninjablade said:
Spazzy_D said:
ninjablade said:
Spazzy_D said:
ninjablade said:
really love mario and zelda, but as a gamer who only buys one system per gen, how could you choose Nintendo console, you miss out on so many games and plus your stuck with graphics that are last gen, 2 knock out blows.

You own a PC which has most of the multiplats and better graphical fidelity then any console, and use your Nintendo console for Nintendo IPs and a party machine when quests come over.  I see that set up a lot.   Nintendo systems genrally have enough games for people that only play 4-5 games a year, which are a lot of people, but "serious gamers" almost never own just one system so it's a non-issure.

I don't know what a serious gamer is, but i know many gamers that only own a ps3 or 360, with so many games on each one, there is just not enough time for most people with lives to play  and complete all the games, plus add online play and there just its not worth having 2 consoles unless you have money to throw away. i also wanna add that each system has exclusives that appeal to me for nintendo its only mario and zelda, for sony its the uncharted series, gran turismo, kill zone, especially last of us and maybe god of war,  and MS its halo, gears of war series and forza, so really hard to choose for me, but i can X nintendo out right away for nextgen because of lastgen graphics and lack of third pary support, watching what ps4 and 720 bring to the table

Matter of opinion though, nothing in MS's 1st party appeals to me now that Fables has gotten so bad, and I prefer Nintendo's first party next to Sonys.  Just curious, you seem to like both Sony and MS 1st party, so which system do you own?

i was gonna get a ps3 but decided on a 360 since i got a good deal and multi-platform games were much better on 360 at the time.I I got my Xbox over a PS3 for a lot of the same reason

I got my Wii at launch and my 360 just a little while later, largely for exclusives that are now on PS3 (Bioshock and Mas Effect.)  Had to trade in my PS2, Gamecube, DS Phat, and a bunch of games for all that.  Its funny how things change, because I feel the PS3 eventually became a much more complete system then the 360, it just took them way to long to get to that point.

My original point here was that that Nintendo consoles always have something that other consoles lack. Nintendo's IPs are just so different from what other companies bring to the table.... while you can find hack n' slash games up to par with God of War or Shooters that can be a decent substitute for Halo.  The problem is when Nintendo doesn't get enough 3rd party support to fill those Niches.

Ofcourse, the other point I was making was that it makes  a ton more sense to use that 400-500 dollars you wold spend on a next gen system to upgrade your PC, since you already have one and it has great 3rd party support, more exlcusives, and better control schemes (and graphics in the long run) then any system out there.

i don't agree with you on nintendo though, a game that has amazing graphics and clicks with me where i can't stop playing it, thats all the matters to me. oh yea i only own a laptop.

That's fine man, everyone likes what they like and are entitled to their opinions.  I was just answering your question, you didn't know why anyone would buy a Nintendo system over anything else..... my answer is that Nintendo's 1st party offers very unique software, and if you are a fan of that software you buy their platform.  It's also usually the best party platform, for when ever you have people over your house.   I already got a ton of playtime at house parties because of Nintendoland, for isntance.

I never said why somebody would buy the system,  why would you choose the wii u if you were only buying one system, your sacraficing so many games and getting 6 year old tech on top of that.