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superchunk said:
JayWood2010 said:
superchunk said:
JayWood2010 said:

Halo 3, Halo 4, Halo Reach, Halo ODST, Halo Wars, Lost Odyssey, Fable 2, Forza 2, forza 3, forza 4, , forza horizon, all kinect games, gears 2, gears 3, blue dragon, red dead redemption, kameo, perfect dark, banjo, XBLA, viva pinata, mortal kombat, WWE, NBA, NFL, NHL, FIFA, pretty much any sports game, and this list goes on and on.  These are one of few reasons people decide to own both consoles and PC. 

Halo, Gears, Forza, (LO, BD - somone above already stated this won't continue), NFL, RStar games, NHL, NCAA.

Interesting thing about those games above, nearly all have had a version on the PC previously, so there is no real guarantee that it won't happen again.

I won't count Kinect games, just as I wouldn't count Harry Potter X or some other junk title. (opinion)

XBLA will be on Win8 along with other Live digital content. This will be significantly more when neXtBox releases. Probably even initiate a Live fee for PC users as well to utilize this content.

Games you listed and can get on PC/STEAM/OnLive/Origin
Kameo, WWE, NBA, MLB, FIFA, ...


Good list though.

lmao look if you dont like the games i mentioned then dont get a 360.  You know nothing about the NeXbox and all youve done is made yourself look bad in this thread.  Ignore the games I mentioned because you dont like them while millions of others buy them because they do.  That is like me saying nintendo is worthless because i dont like mario games.  It doesnt matter if i dont like mario because millions of others do.  You have given no reason for anything and on top of that we know next to nothing about the NeXbox

Ignored? I only ignored Kinect titles. I said the list was a good list and pulled out games that are actually available to PC players.

Im talking about the OT and multiple other comments youve made this thread. And same goes to kinect.  Personally I hate the thing but that doesn't mean that the 20m people who bought the thing does.  It just isn't aimed for me.  People have differnent preferences and while their probably isnt any casual gamers on this site, it doesn't mean that they should be excluded either.