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I agree, although particularly for the PS2 those games came over time as the install base grew.

The issue for the PS3 is that Sony seem content to wait and hope it all happens all over again - but this time the Wii and the 360 are strong competition covering both hardcore and casual.

There should be four main 'types' of game equally encouraged on PS3 I believe:

1 - your big budget Uncharted, RFOM, Motorstorm, GT5, COD4, AC, etc. The big guns basically - the blockbusters

2 - your solid 'you know what you're getting games' that can really fill out a library nicely such as DMC4, Burnout Paradise, Warhawk, etc. Here it is vital cost of development is balaned with realistic sales potential

3 - great, inovative games via PSN that are lower cost to develop and focus on fun and innovation. There's really not too much here yet but Flow, Pixel Juice Monsters, HD Superstartdust, etc. come to mind

4 - fun, cheap arcade style games that allow a low entry point for developers via PSN

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...