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The "miracle" of childirth, lol.  I would like to see the ozone evidence and why you say it qualifies as a "miracle" any more than any other unexpected phenomenon.  When a volcano popped out of a Mexican farmyard in the 1940s, was that a miracle too?  Altruism = God exists?  Anecdotes which are probably highly suspect with little evidence.  Core samples?  Evidence plz, I bet it's creationist claptrap that has been debunked a dozen times.  I'm glad you have your fingers too but you're using them to type absolute drivel. 

You choose what you want to believe in Final-Fan. It doesn't matter how much evidence i bring, you will shoot it down. Why? It doesn't fit into your world and will be dismissed as drivel. Yes they have found core samples indicated a tremendous flood, yes there is no longer a hole in the ozone layer above the Antartic even though the ozone layer was created how many billion years ago and Earth's planetary conditions have changed...slightly since then, yes we can find many dinosaurs from millilons of years ago but have trouble finding a much more recent half man half chimp. Logic, logic logic. Thats great a volcano in Mexico I don't remember the lesson in school where volcanos can only be exist in Hawaii. I must've been sick that day. Birds sometimes don't migrate to the south, nature is unpredictable what of it? I listed only childbirth as being a miracle and that of course is my personal assessment. I didn't classify those discrepencies in supposed scientific "fact" as miracles you have done so. Which could be thought of as an attempt to make me appear as though I am out of touch religious zealot. So you have to have blind faith to believe we all evolved from chimps because we have no hard evidence. Sure we may have proof, dozens of skeletons to look at, similar DNA code to support it but we have no smoking gun. (Missing Link) The same of course goes for the big bang. Do you see the point I'm so ineloquently trying to hammer out?

 Can we agree that no one should have blind faith in anything? We all won't take preachers at their express literal word and we won't take discovery channel or msnbc at theirs. Deal? Hypocrisy looks good on neither of us.

I fail to see how providing contradictory evidence to scientific fact can be juxtaposed as God must exist theres something I can't explain. You tell me God doesn't exist because science has already explained how life began and evolved. I point out numerous chinks in the so called facts and am dismissed. Why is it that only what I believe can be held up to the microscope? The "facts" for world creation, how life began have no reason. Why did the big bang happen the gases in the universe are consistent and not quite volitile. I don't go camping and see multiple explosions out in space very often. How did life begin? There was some dirt, water and hydrogen and for no reason it turned into single celled creatures. Why did that happen? The dirt felt like it. I mean how far a stretch is that. Is it that hard to imagine some diety got the whole ball started? Doesn't science say an object at rest stays at rest. An object in motion stays in motion unless acted on by an outside force? Or were the scientist just kidding when they came up with that?  God exists because not everything in this world follows logic Final-Fan. I refer you back to my preschool examples. I did manage to find the recipe for creating life while searching online first you take a glass of water mix in some rock, fart in it for methane gas and voiola you've got life! Makes no logical sense to me but I'm just a halfwit spouting drivel as you so succinctly put it. 

Jeremy how stupid you are for having faith in a Santa Clause in the sky. To the best of my knowledge though that Santa never believed earth was the center of the universe, the earth itself is flat, or more recently that carbon dioxide holds more heat then water vapor (global warming FTW). If the all knowing scientists can have the luxury of being wrong can you afford that same luxury Final-Fan? 
