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Just to clear this up. I am not totally new to PC gaming, I've played for a long time.
Now I have one that can play newer games.

I already played MMOs: EQI and II, FFXI, SWGalaxies, WoW, some free ones.

I got Half-Life, the day it was available (This was the last FPS I played on PC)

I was playing Duke Nukem, Doom, and Marathon when they were new.

Star Craft and War Craft, check.

I have played all 4 Civ games. Also Masters of Orion 2.

I had an Amiga 500 for god's sake.

I have many, many hours clocked in on RTS games. Age of Mythologies and Dawn of War are my current favorites, but I also play Rise of Nations/Legends and Age of Empires.

I play mostly single player, practicing for LAN parties.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.