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I like how you have a problem with evolution poofing life into existence (even though that's not even close to being accurate), but have no trouble believing a God just poofed things into existence.

 Yes there was heavy sarcasm in my post. Of course I am not close to being 100% accurate on evolution. I wasn't there when the world poofed into existence. No one is saying take anything on blind faith question everything. At least thats how I was taught. You have a brain you have logic use it.

People try to deal in absolutes but thats not how this world works. Can I believe in creationism and evolution? No jeremy you ignornant redneck hick you have to pick a side. Just like the two party government in America. One is completely right and the other completely wrong. I wish I was 8 again so I could belive things like that. Makes life much easier to cope with.

It amuses me how everyone acts as though they know everything. I don't know everything. And I don't have 11 advanced biology degrees like apparently everyone does on Vgchartz or at least in this forum. Mathmaticians have calculated the odds of everything falling into place perfectly for this world on it and everything on it to be created and it comes out to be about your chances of winning the lottery for the next 80 years straight. Bar none you shouldn't exist and neither should I.

I have used ridiculously simple dumbed down examples to poke holes in many science "facts". I don't need to throw philosophers names around or try to confuse the issues with paradoxes. How did life begin? Why did it begin? I don't see any life forming on Mars or any other planet? What came first the chicken or the egg? If humans have always been so prolific why is it so hard to find the missing link. Cavemen and monkeys are seperate species where is the middleground? I am not saying Jesus popped down and mixed up a batch of humans but if you ignore the gaps how can anyone's opinion be worth anything?

I had a  teacher in college who was very upset about the whole Global warming debate. he had been approached by some people who wanted his take on it (media) and what should be done to stop it. According to him there were about 6 sets of evidence 5 of which said it was a natural warming, a mini ice age occured in the middle ages, while one set said it was human created. Now we all agree pollution is bad m-kay but why was that one set chosen above all others? Of course now its taken as fact even though according to my teacher water vapor holds much more heat then does carbon dioxide. Hmm maybe if Al Gore says there might be a benevolent deity then people will take that as fact too?

People refuse to look at the bigger picture. The best and most believable lies are those with some truth to them. So even if you believe all the world's religions to be lies there has to be something there. Theres gray in the world people half-truths even either ignore it because it doesn't fit your limited world view or accept that you're not a deity yourself and don't know everything there is to know in this world. I wish I could be like some of the people on this thread and just ignore things are in-convenient but I choose not to. As they say though ignorance is bliss. Of course most people want to live for themselves without consequences thats why you hear so much religion bashing these days. You don't want to see a 100 foot tall deity smacking a belt into his palm when you die.

Do I have trouble believing in God. YES. I wouldn't be human otherwise and I'm no pope.

 Do i think this world, the solar system and everything in it was a convenient accident? I could... If I turned off my brain.
