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cookingyourmama said:
ninjablade said:
cookingyourmama said:
ninjablade said:
cookingyourmama said:
ninjablade said:
cookingyourmama said:
ninjablade said:
cookingyourmama said:
sales2099 said:
cookingyourmama said:
sales2099 said:
cookingyourmama said:
sales2099 said:
cookingyourmama said:
sales2099 said:
dsgrue3 said:

I think the difference here is that MS fans are comparing Sony's success of PS2 generation to PS3 generation. Indeed when they are compared, Sony has lost quite a bit.

However, if we only compare based upon PS3 generation, moving into 2nd place is definitely a noteworthy figure.

Your analogies about the race being over are completely absurd and devoid of any logic. This is basically the Wii gasping for breath during an endurance race with no finish line, and the PS3 gaining on 360 with each step while both move swiftly toward the Wii.

Your banned but ill respond to this anyway.

Its not exactly the race being over....its the people not caring that the race is continuing in one years time.

And as proven by the amount of replies and also people posting in this thread, people still care about how many are sold and who finishes above who so your point is moot.

Well I guarantee this bears 0 significance to Nintendo fans, PS3 fans seem to REALLY care, and 360 fans are merely trying to downplay it (and rightfully so IMO).

You do realize that internet commentators are but a vocal minority in the generall mass of Wii/PS3/360. If anything it only proves the vocal minority PS3 fanatics care.

Nope not at all, the reality is a vocal minority of 360 fans are desperately trying to play down the PS3 overtaking the 360 because they can't take the fact their console of choice is going to end up finishing last and on top of that they were so sure for many years that the 360 was going to end up 'beating' the ps3 which makes the ps3 finishing above the 360 even worse.

Your the ones desperately trying to make any significant victory out of this. When the 3 consoles were the most current, 360 won. PS3 will take 2nd after Wii, 360, and PS3 are yesterdays news.Nevermind Xbox gen over gen and Playstation gen over gen.

I assure you there is no desperation on my side. Quite the contrary.

I'm not 'making' anything at all, it's already a significant victory and fact by itself.

What you are saying isn't a fact at all, it's just your opinion and pathetic spin. And what makes it even more funny is when all 3 consoles were actually out the PS3 outsold the Xbox360 in 5 out of 7 of those years, which is soon to become 6 out of 8 years in 2013.

Instead of letting an old thread die you chose to reply to my several days old post even tho you've already been proven wrong, yep that's pretty desperate.

360 2nd place for 7 years (superceeds your outselling 360 for x amount of years). Gen over gen improvement in all regards. More software sales and less money lost this gen.

Your making a victory when in no way can PS3 match its predessor, nor will it pass when the 3 consoles are most current. Im the one using facts here.

Whatever console outsells the other console overall NO MATTER WHAT superceeds everything else. When the PS3's total sales go above the 360's wether you like it or not it becomes a fact that the PS3 beat the 360. Everything else is just your flawed and biased opinions. And for every 'opinion' you can come up with i and others can post just as many opinions which say otherwise.

yea its superceeds in fanboy braggings rights, in the overall scheme of things its doesnt matter, because in the end of the day  its about making money and getting third party support, and 360 is way ahead in making money then ps3 and has gotten every exclusive ps franshise, i'm sure sony/microsoft care about profit, they could sell 200 million units and if there not making profit what's the point.

No it superceeds it in actual reality not just some cherry picking stat. By the way, nice alt account you've got yourself there sales2099.

the fact is 360 was profitable and the ps3 never will be

fact is 360 has every single exlcusive ps franchise from last gen

fact is 360 sold 4x the amount the first xbox did and has established a huge brand with gamers.

so sony selling 2 million units more then 360 by 2014 doesn't matter. it could matter to you but will not matter to sony, sony went from having a monopoly in the gaming market and having every single exlcusive franshise to now sharing with microsoft, how can they be the winners.

The PS3 will have won because it will have sold more, it's not a debate, that fact alone superceeds everything else.

But hey to play your silly game sales2099.

The PS3 will have won not only because it will have sold the most, it will have won because it sold more than the 360 and in a shorter space of time.

It will have won whilst being significantly more expensive than the 360 proving the Playstation brand is more popular than the Xbox brand.

It will have won because it will have sold more software per average year on sale.

It will have won because it's going to end up with more million sellers.

And it will also have won because despite being on the market for a year to a year and a half later the PS3 has had more top rated exclusives released for it than the 360 and unlike Microsoft Sony continue to launch more new top rated ip's.

of course playstation brand is bigger xbox,  but the fact is 360 was way more profitable then ps3 and that's how both microsoft and sony determin the winner, its all about profit, and 360 was the one that gained marketshare not playstation, i want to understand how microsoft lost, you tell what did sony gain this gen, except losses. i think sony is in position to win nextgen by 10-15 million units but this gen they dropped the ball and gave microsoft 50% of the pie, i will not count the wii cause imo that sold to a whole different audience.

This is a website about unit sales not dollar sales, if you want to talk about $ sales you're in the wrong place. Just becuase the PS2 ended up winning by obliterating the competition last gen doesn't change the fact that this gen they're still going to beat the 360, a win is a win no matter how much you want to try and spin it.

I'm not trying to spin anything, this thread was asking does it matter and in reality it doesnt,  the fact they still haven't beat the 360 yet and by the time they do the gen will be over, and it doesnt change the fact 360 was profitable unlike ps3, made siginficant market gains in everyway you can think of, in reality the real winner this gen was 360.

Yes all you are doing is spinning sales2099. The PS3 selling more than the 360 means it beat it and won, anything else is just fanboyish spin wether you like it or not.

And sales2099 if you post once more using an alt. account i will report you to the mods and you will be banned.

FIRST of all i'm not sales2009 go ahead and report me, second of all this thread was asking does it matter and it does'nt, maybe to fanboys like you, i really don't care, i was just posting my thoughts about why doesnt matter, all you been able to come up with is it beats and wins i have explained to you why doesn't, its about market share, profit and third party support, i'm sorry if i hurt your feelings. :p, sony we losts billions on ps3 but we out sold the 360 by 1 million, we are the winners, again this op is asking doies it matter, by the time sony out sells 360 nextgen will be in full circle and we will be watching those sales, lets just put it this way if sony has a repeat of the ps3 they will be out of business.