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The PS3 sales will be nowhere near that of the PS2 sales ( when the PS3 launched ) .. The PS2 had a 90 million console lead over 2nd place console ( Xbox 1 ).. and the PS2 had all the games and all the best games .. The Sony fanbase while loyal has shrunk alot to just those who really are loyal to the PlayStation Brand name.  The PS4 looks like a console that will leave the "updated Cell CPU" idea behind because the new PS President understands the majority of the developer base has to spend much more time making games for the PS3 which equates to more money - often not improving in quality by much.. If the PS4 does launch as it seem it will - with a structure closer to the Xbox ( more like a PC ) Sony will be basically admitting Cell was a mistake.. Sony went from a 1st place 90 million console lead - to what remains of thre loyal fanbase - arguing when and if the PS3 will finally overtake the Xbox 360.. most of the fanbase has said over the last 4 years that it would happen year after year.. but if sales decline like it looks they will quickly for both consoles - there is little chance of this - but even if it does - Sony is more considered about overall profitability of the PlayStation division .. This generation Sony ( overall ) looks to be the least profitable.. consoles sold maybe what consumers look at - but Sony shareholders and board members care more about what console makes the most - and it still cost more to make a PS3 then the other 2 consoles by far.. maybe d/t bluray and cell cost