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1 - Kekkaishi Karasumori Ayakashi Kidan - DS 2 - Bleach Heat the Soul - PSP 3 - Shin Lucky Star Moe Drill Tabidachi - DS 4 - WII Sports - WII 5 - Final Fantasy Tactics Shishi Sensou (Lion War) - PSP 6 - More Brain Training (toooo long) - DS 7 - New Super Mario Brothers (Bros) - DS 8 - Kurikin Nano Island Story - DS 9 - Eigo ga Nigate na Otona no DS training motto Eigo Duke (More English training for adults) - DS 10 - Hajime no WII Pack (WII Play) - WII 11 - Forza Motorsports 2 - 360 12 - Shining Wind - PS2 13 - Yoshi Island - DS 14 - Pachinko Ultraman Pachitte Chonmage Tatsujin 12 - PS2 15 - Super Paper Mario - WII 16 - Final Fantasy XII Revenant Wing - DS 17 - Momotaro Dentetsu DS Tokyo & Japan - DS 18 - Mario Kart - DS 19 - Brain Training - DS 20 - Eigo ga nigete na otona no DS training Eigo duke (English training for adults) - DS 21 - WII de Yawaraka atama juku (Big Brain Academy) - WII (wow that game dropped far!) 22 - Oide yo Doubutsu no mori (Animal Crossing) - DS 23 - Odin Sphere - PS2 24 - Layton Kyouju to Fushigi na Machi (Professor Layton and the Mysterious Village) - DS 25 - Gyakuten Saiban 4 (Phoenix Wright) - DS 26 - Eh Memorizing Kanji or something like that - DS 27 - Moero! Nekketsu Rhythm Damashi Ossu! Tatakae! Ouendan 2 28 - Mario vs Donkey Kong 2 - DS 29 - Medal of Honor Vanguard - PS2 30 - Monster Hunter Portable 2nd - PSP Phew, that's about it then

This profile is no longer in use, see my other profile *~Onna76~*