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Vinniegambini 25 minutes ago
TheLastStarFighter said:
I have bought a significant amount of Nintendo stock. I can say that a big reason I purchased was because of the leadership of Iwata and Myamoto. Nintendo's software has been other-worldly successful and Iwata has lead a complete revival of the Nintendo brand. 3DS is trending ahead of its predecessor and that will likely continue as DS dies of in the US. WiiU just launched to around 80% of the sales of Wii despite selling in a very different environment and at a significantly higher pricepoint. As a shareholder I'm very pleased. The philosophy of not going all out to push tech boundries is very wise. The low price and touchscreen interface should appeal to a mass-market audience. People may want a better-looking NSMBU, but it was probably affordable to produce and should generate buckets of profits. And as far as 3rd party support goes as a gamer I want it but if it doesn't come I'll just buy a PS4 or Nextbox depending on which seems better. But as a shareholder I don't really care as long as the systems still sell. 3rd party is great, but if you have a 1st part dominated system you make way more profits since you make more money off 1st party. I only want to see more 3rd party support in that it will help drive sales, especially late-life sales...but by then I will have probably sold my stock anyway.

What was your entry point? Mine was 14.40$ :(



I started picking it up as it started to really fall in the summer. My overall average is $13.92.  I feel confident that we'll see it fly past $20 at some point this year, but I'm kicking myself for not selling at $17 and re-buying now. I didn't anticipate this fall though...and there's really no  reason for it.  They will most likely hit their projections, and the yen falling in value is wonderful for them. I think 14.40 will make you very happy, but it may take a year.