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dsgrue3 said:
JayWood2010 said:
Nothing of relevance.

You haven't addressed my point. You keep addressing XBLG as a service. I'm asking you to address charging people to *unlock* their multiplayer aspect of their game they already paid for.

I have no issues with the service itself and all of the features offered. Charging me to use the multiplayer portion of my game that I paid for that you had nothing to do with is my dispute.

In case no one else has laid it out for you yet in the simplest terms possible so that ANYONE could understand:

Nothing on the disc is "locked". You can still play ALL the mulitplayer content on the disc if you want WITHOUT Xbox Live Gold. You simply have to play local multiplayer on the same console, LAN, or other free xbox live service emulators that turn LAN matches into online matches (I used to do this for Halo 1 on original Xbox via Xbox Connect).

You pay for playing the multiplayer content online because Microsoft hosts and provides all the servers, matchmaking, achievement framework, etc for all developers on Xbox Live. This means that every developer has equal share to the wonderful Trueskill ranking system and Microsofts online services for their games without having to devote their own servers or resources.

On PSN, the DEVELOPERS have to foot the bill for all matchmaking, servers, etc. That is the main reason why PSN was free this generation, but even going forward I see it much more likely that PS4 will no longer offer a free service and just make PSN+ the default. There is a reason Sony lost billions this generation with Playstation and the vast majority of it was from online expenses that they could not recover because they decided to have a free service.

And again, these articles are so incredibly stupid because their titles and information are all focused on one aspect. Price. They claim Xbox Live is no longer the best service, which is an outright fallacy. It is still the best online service/community for gamers and the price is fully justified. If you don't feel it is justified and want to use a competitor's service for free and get slightly less quality/services, that is perfectly fine!

There, hopefully we can end this thread with some good ole' fashioned knowledge for so many ignorant Xbox Live haters :)