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"You keep saying Live is superior while downplaying PSN. Please explain yourself why its superior. Justify that $60 fee to play games online for a year. edit: curious, how many games do you play online anyways."


Much, much faster matchmaking

Universal mute list built into the entire service

Bandwidth for downloading games is higher

Party chat

I use some of the other services on there, like ESPN and Verizon, which aren't big deals but cool perks

Superior voice quality


More so than anything else I listed, I prefer Live for all the little things it does better. Joining games is faster, joining parties is faster. Unlike PSN, all games on Live support join in progress. Also unlike PSN, Live actually lets you know whether or not you CAN join the session. If I want to join a friends game in CoD on PS3, I have to just keep trying to join and hope there is a slot open. On Live, it won't even allow me to try and join unless there is a spot open. Works on other games the same way. Also, it gives me more details about the games my friends are in. I am in Madden leagues on both consoles. If I see an opponent online on PS3 and ask if he wants to play, he might tell me he is in a game already and will hit me up when he's done. Well... how long will that be? I don't know, because all PSN tells me is he is playing Madden 13. I could send him another text message and ask him, but I don't want to bother him while he is in a league game. On Live in the same scenario, I just look at my friends list. Not only does it tell me that he is playing Madden 13, it also tells me the score and quarter of the game. Also, I can send him a party invite and we can just chat in game. The invite pops up and he can just hit the Guide button and then hit X and he's in. On PSN for a text message you have to hit the Home button, wait for the XMB to load, cycle to the last list, cycle to messages, cycle to received, find mine, then read it. And whether he reponds or not, he then has to back out of 2 menus just to get back to the XMB, then hit Home again and wait for it to go to the background and bring the game back up. PSN is dreadfully slow and a pain to use in comparison. But it's free so who cares.

I could go on but there's no point. And again I paid $35 for my subscription. So that's less than a dime a day. Worth it to me. If not for yourself, oh well. If it wasn't worth the price to me, I wouldn't pay. I didn't pay last gen. When I got tired of playing Warhammer Online I stopped paying. When I decided The Old Republic was no longer worth the subscription fee, I stopped playing. Idk why it's so hard for others.