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Kantor said:
Firstly, why on earth is there a game called "lower your score"? Is it about golf?

Secondly, I don't agree. It wouldn't reduce score inflation, because everything would still be concentrated at the top - most games are decent or better. 90% of games would get 3 stars or 4 stars and nobody benefits at all.

Sure, you could start using the lower ratings, but that's just dishonest. A game getting a 7/10 is NOT a bad game. It shouldn't be getting 1-2 stars.

Moreover, "buy it" is a very subjective instruction. I would recommend fans of Star Wars and action games to pick up The Force Unleashed II, which I gave a 7.8. I would not recommend haters of God of War or the hack and slash genre to pick up God of War III, which I gave a 9.4.

A review is an objective description of a game with some justified personal opinion thrown in, not a buyer's guide.

Haha, I have no idea what that game is. Seemed appropriate though.

I disagree about most games being decent or better. The games we're exposed to are decent or better, but think of the hundreds of games that release each year that are mostly garbage. It's just that no one advertises them, and very few reviewers bother to rate them.

I'm not arguing that reviewers should insist upon lower scores even when higher scores are deserved. All I'm saying is that all these decimal points don't really provide that much more information that a four-star system; and, in many cases, they are counter-productive because the entire scale is rarely used.

If it works for movies, why shouldn't it work for games?

Four stars is great; 3.5 is excellent; 3 is good; 2.5 is fair; 2 is poor, etc. Combine those scores with a well-researched and nuanced review and you have a recipe for success. I just don't think we need a game to be scored 7.3 or 8.9.