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If they are playing of the success of the movies from Studio Gibli, I think that's a mistake. Most of those movies are nice to watch for 2 hours, I don't think I can sit there it try to finish a kid's story for more than that. Some of you may flame me for this, but when I play video games, and I find myself questioning the rational taught of the characters, their actions, vague plot, or anything that doesn't seem very well tied together, it sort of annoys me.

The anime industry in Japan right now has killed my love for the genre. I used to love the creative freedom and wonderful story plots in the past. Now I can only see cookie cutter character designs & plots that they dish out as a business model. I can almost compare it to the first person shooter video game genre, and how the industry keeps pumping out more of the same formula for profits.

I don't really know how entertaining the story/gameplay of this video game will be, but I'm skeptical it will have a deep story that will fully engage a 32 year old man--me. I'll download the demo and see if my low expectations bear fruit or not. Either way, it's a win, win.