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ArtofAngels said:

So I decided to go out tonight, since all my best mates were getting together etc etc,

So it's starts off I'm mr. Taxi, taking everone there by the car load because we needed someone to do so cause they were all pissed, and my car won the vote, everyone wants a piece of the FTO it seemed (it over heated cause it hates me, but lets not let that ruin the fun) so anways firstly I caught up with an old mate I hadn't seen for over a year, and that was awesome cause we're funny as fuck together, I was given a pill and that got me off my tree completely.
In our mob (me and my boys took up half the pub virtually) there was this couple, the Male entity of said couple wanted to just drink piss and run a mock, so his miss's was pretty much left where-ever, so Bam, she approaches me, and we hit it off like a fuckin rocket, every time I dissappeared she went looking for me, and I'll tell you now she was fucking smoking, and a damn decent minded chic at that (Sane and a non slut in other words)

We exchanged numbers, as you do, after the pub downsided and everyone had to leave, fights were breakin out left right and centre, and it was always with someone I knew, crazy shiz, so I was always involved, it was great, good times, totally got my mind off a ton of problems, and even if nothing ever happened with said above female, she made me wake up to myself and demonstrate that there's excellent girls out there that deserve my time other than that stupid slut bitch who couldn't of given a shit about that nice video I made whore.

Yeah it's 4am now and I'm still off my face, typin so fast, coolies =)

 I somehow could hear your accent while reading that.

[2:08:58 am] Moongoddess256: being asian makes you naturally good at ddr
[2:09:22 am] gnizmo: its a weird genetic thing
[2:09:30 am] gnizmo: goes back to hunting giant crabs in feudal Japan