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Let me put forth a very simple example.

Say I have two clean shirts, one blue and one red. I will wear one of the tomorrow, but I haven't decided which yet.

AT this moment, does god know which shirt I am going to pick tomorrow (if you say no, then he is not all knowing)

Did he know a week ago which shirt I was going to pick? and did he know that I was going to wear all my other shirts BESIDES those two (again if you say no, he is not all knowing)

Did he know before I was born, that one day I would be faced with this decision, and also know which shirt i would chose (see above)

Did he know before shirts were invented that I would one day buy these shirts, wear all my other ones, be faced with this decision, and know which shirt I was going to chose (see above)

Move back indefinitely, did he know all these things then? Be your declaration of an all knowing god, yes he did, and say a 2 billion years ago in our temporal refernce he knew. That means THEN, 2 billion years ago, since god knew it would happen, it was an absolute fact that I would pick whichever shirt I will tomorrow. It was set in stone. If it wouldn't how could go know?

So tomorrow, I HAVE to pick the shirt god knew I would 2 billion years ago. If I don't it would prove god wrong, which, as we know, would be impossible. So the options are me choose one shirt and prove god wrong (impossible, therefore not a choice I can make,) or chose the one shirt god knew I would 2 billion yers ago.

Add as many options as you would like, and I still have to pick the one god knew I would, or I prove god wrong (impossible so not a choice I can make)

Therefore, in summation, with pressented with a choice, I have no real choice, I have to follow the path that god knew I would billions of years ago. If I don't then I prove god wrong, which can't be done.

 Lets say he knows, and has known, with 100% certainty that I will wear the red one.  Can I wake up tomorrow and chose to wear the blue one?

I am a Gauntlet Adventurer.

I strive to improve my living conditions by hoarding gold, food, and sometimes keys and potions. I love adventure, fighting, and particularly winning - especially when there's a prize at stake. I occasionally get lost inside buildings and can't find the exit. I need food badly. What Video Game Character Are You?

Mega Man 9 Challenges: 74%

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