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Kresnik said:
NintendoPie said:

Why are all of you underestimating Lego games? The Lego series has had huge sales especially on Nintendo consoles. It will sustain/increase the Wii U's sales. I'm pretty sure of it.

The thing with the LEGO game, Pie, is that it's not perhaps as safe as some of the other titles.  Mostly, they've all been "LEGO: ___" (where ___ is a famous film, book, videogame or TV franchise, or a combination of all of them).

If you look at a list of top selling LEGO games here, you have to go all the way down to #29 to find one which is based on original LEGO IP (I think), which is "LEGO Battles" for the DS, which sold just over a million.

Personally, I do think the game will shift some hardware because it looks decent, but I don't think it'll do anything sustained to the console's sales.  Like I've mentioned in another thread somewhere (can't remember where :P), I feel like LEGO games are more the kind of thing you pick up to fill a gap in a console's library once you own it, rather than spending £280 on a console because you MUST have that LEGO game!

Unless Nintendo advertise the shit out of it and bundle it, of course, in which case it could well take off.

I'll happily be wrong, though.  If it turns out to be a killer app for the console then I'm all for that, because it looks like a lot of fun.

I've never even heard of Lego Battles so... Yeah.

I hope that Nintendo really does market the hell out of this game because it could be quite a good system seller. It's mostly up to Nintendo and Lego  to decide if they want to market this game/make it a pack in. I think if they do those things then you're, it could take off.