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KylieDog said:
sc94597 said:
KylieDog said:
sc94597 said:

No I get your point and the point of my post is that Americans disagree with your sentiment, otherwise it would be repealed through constitutional means. In fact, if there was any point it could've been repealed it was in the 1950's, before any of these mass shootings occured. Almost 60% of Americans supported total gun prohibition then. Today only about 26% do. 


...and there you go, the constitution protects things bad for the public

If it was bad for the public people would agree and support such an amendment. All power is derived from people, and in order to do this one must trust the people make reasonable decisions. Otherwise, we might as well go back to monarchies or oligarchies. If anything though the constitution protects people from mob rule, because a majority can't vote away the rights of a minority to the federal or governments. 

...but you aren't protecting a minority, you're putting lethal things into the hands of masses when it is proven more and more as time goes on that the masses are not responsible.

And most Americans disagree that prohibition would be an answer to anything. Case closed. We have power, and we decide what happens legally by voting for our representatives whom represent our views as close as possible, but also when making laws they're supposed to be properly educated on the matter and consider disadvantages of making a law.  And I wasn't referring to this when I mentioned the protections the constitution DOES give us. 

Anyway, if what you say is true, certainly there will be an amendment to the constitution. But, from the various statistics I've read on the topic, and the consideration of disadvantages of disarming an entire population, as well as the practical concerns of trying to take over 300 million lethal weapons from over 100 million persons I disagree that prohibition is a solution to anything, but especially to guns and most Americans agree with me. Therefore, new legislation that does ban guns outright or a constitution amendment is not in sight because of valid reasons and because of valid considerations. It will remain so if things are done legally and the government doesn't overstep the power it was given.